From Israel: Categorically Unacceptable!!!ArleneJune 5, 2018June 5, 2018 by ArleneJune 5, 2018June 5, 20180468 Before I write about other matters, there are issues regarding what is happening in the south that I feel compelled to address. It’s on everyone’s...
From Israel: WOW and WOW AGAIN!ArleneMay 10, 2018May 11, 2018 by ArleneMay 10, 2018May 11, 20180524 The head spins: things are happening so quickly. But it’s a good spin. A great spin. ~~~~~~~~~~ Let me back-track just a bit. Two days...
From Israel: To Never be AfraidArleneMay 8, 2018May 15, 2018 by ArleneMay 8, 2018May 15, 20180453 There is a song in Hebrew, which many of you may know: “Gesher Tzar Meod.” All the world is a narrow bridge, and the main...
From Israel: Triumphant Take!ArleneMay 6, 2018May 11, 2018 by ArleneMay 6, 2018May 11, 20180473 From Israel: Triumphant Take! Before we get to the take… Last night, when I checked the YouTube link I had provided in my last posting...
From Israel: Facing Down the ObscenitiesArleneMay 4, 2018June 21, 2018 by ArleneMay 4, 2018June 21, 20180474 I have selected the term “obscenities” mindfully: in the sense of demonstrating a “crass disregard of moral or ethical principles.” It is important to deal...
From Israel: Jaw Dropping!ArleneMay 1, 2018June 21, 2018 by ArleneMay 1, 2018June 21, 20181632 I knew that our Mossad was the very best, but this is above and beyond. Many of you are already aware of their incredible feat;...
From Israel: Rumbling ThunderArleneApril 27, 2018June 21, 2018 by ArleneApril 27, 2018June 21, 20180562 This post title is apt, first of all, from the perspective of the weather. This week we have had extraordinary weather for Israel at this...