From Israel: “Caught in the Quagmire!”ArleneOctober 30, 2019November 27, 2019 by ArleneOctober 30, 2019November 27, 20190455 Quagmire, morass, predicament. Call it what you will, Israel’s current political situation is one hell of a mess. Actually, I call it a busha,...
From Israel: Don’t BlinkArleneAugust 29, 2018September 14, 2018 by ArleneAugust 29, 2018September 14, 20180541 Yes, my friends, I am here. Working hard on another writing project, and laboring mightily to make sense of the news. Did you ever stand...
From Israel: Hard and Necessary ChoicesArleneJuly 18, 2018July 18, 2018 by ArleneJuly 18, 2018July 18, 20180440 Two news items as I begin today’s discussion: 1) On Sunday, the Al-Nirab airbase, in northern Syria outside of Aleppo, was attacked. This is a...
From Israel: Complications and ImperfectionsArleneJune 14, 2018June 14, 2018 by ArleneJune 14, 2018June 14, 20180466 It’s not your imagination, or mine: The world is shifting at a dizzying rate. We try to wrap our heads around it all. We try,...
From Israel: To Never be AfraidArleneMay 8, 2018May 15, 2018 by ArleneMay 8, 2018May 15, 20180450 There is a song in Hebrew, which many of you may know: “Gesher Tzar Meod.” All the world is a narrow bridge, and the main...