From Israel: “Definitely Not a Pretty Picture!!”ArleneFebruary 9, 2021April 24, 2021 by ArleneFebruary 9, 2021April 24, 20210507 But it hardly does justice to the situation to say that what we are facing is not a pretty picture. What I want to touch...
From Israel: “Another Way of Looking at It!!”ArleneDecember 26, 2019December 27, 2019 by ArleneDecember 26, 2019December 27, 20190545 What I am eager to offer here is a different perspective on some of the matters confronting us. It is not my intention to suggest...
From Israel: “Urgent!!”ArleneSeptember 15, 2019November 27, 2019 by ArleneSeptember 15, 2019November 27, 20190532 The election is upon us now – only two days away – and the situation is not substantially different from what it was when I...
From Israel: “Yuck!!”ArleneSeptember 12, 2019November 27, 2019 by ArleneSeptember 12, 2019November 27, 20190501 I have made no secret of it: the current election campaign has not exactly been an enlightening period for Israel. For many of us, this...
From Israel: “On the Cusp of War”ArleneSeptember 3, 2019September 10, 2019 by ArleneSeptember 3, 2019September 10, 20190521 For some time now, Israel has been at the edge of war. Or, to put it another way, Israel has been and continues to be...
From Israel: “Unstable and Scary”ArleneJuly 5, 2019August 2, 2019 by ArleneJuly 5, 2019August 2, 20190494 We cannot pretend otherwise: There is a great deal happening that evokes a very deep unease. This was my theme in my last posting –...
From Israel: The Fix Will Not Be QuickArleneNovember 21, 2018November 26, 2018 by ArleneNovember 21, 2018November 26, 20180522 In my last posting, I wrote about hope – and I still have hope. We should all have hope. However, while we are in a...
From Israel: Modeling InsanityArleneAugust 2, 2018August 2, 2018 by ArleneAugust 2, 2018August 2, 20180495 Most of you are familiar with the saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This...
From Israel: Menace in the NorthArleneJuly 30, 2018July 30, 2018 by ArleneJuly 30, 2018July 30, 20180437 Today we consider the enormous unrest in the north. What I present here is an overview of a vastly complex scenario – encompassing several players...
From Israel: A QuagmireArleneJuly 10, 2018July 10, 2018 by ArleneJuly 10, 2018July 10, 20180467 There were multiple reports over the last couple of days regarding the direction of Trump’s “peace plan.” The first report I saw said (emphasis added):...