From Israel: “Purim!!”ArleneMarch 5, 2023March 7, 2023 by ArleneMarch 5, 2023March 7, 20230258 March 5, 2023 “Purim!!” This week we celebrate Purim – Monday night and Tuesday, and for Jerusalem, which was a walled city, Shushan Purim, Tuesday...
From Israel: “Please Note: The Spots Are Still the Same!!”ArleneAugust 14, 2022September 28, 2022 by ArleneAugust 14, 2022September 28, 20220428 I have drawn my title, as many of you will surmise, from the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah (Yermeyahu), who asked, Can the leopard change its spots?...
From Israel: “Our Day of Miracles!!”ArleneMay 30, 2022June 9, 2022 by ArleneMay 30, 2022June 9, 20220505 We, the Jewish People, are a miracle. That we were dispersed from our Land 2,000 years ago and then returned is a one-time happening that...
From Israel: “Badly Needed Inspiration at a Critical Juncture!!”ArleneMay 26, 2022June 8, 2022 by ArleneMay 26, 2022June 8, 20220521 As I sat down to write this posting, I felt overwhelmed by an awareness of how many significant problems we are facing at one time....
From Israel: “Stupid Is, As Stupid Does!!”ArleneMay 23, 2022June 9, 2022 by ArleneMay 23, 2022June 9, 20220449 Next Sunday, May 29, is Yom Yerushalayim – a day that marks Israel’s liberation of eastern Jerusalem in 1967 and its subsequent formal reunification with...
From Israel: “And So I Wept!!”ArleneMay 8, 2022May 9, 2022 by ArleneMay 8, 2022May 9, 20220519 Many of us here in Israel had not yet moved past the deep sadness we were carrying with regard to the terror attack in Ariel,...
From Israel: “Hatred: Manifest and Implicit”ArleneMay 1, 2022May 1, 2022 by ArleneMay 1, 2022May 1, 20220464 It is my practice, always, to begin a posting with news of a terror attack – when one occurs – before dealing with other matters....
From Israel: “Tolerating What Is Intolerable!!”ArleneApril 25, 2022May 16, 2022 by ArleneApril 25, 2022May 16, 20220584 The final day of Pesach is over, as is Shabbat, and – grateful for a brief hiatus that brought me a modicum of temporary peace...
From Israel: “No Respite from the Horror”ArleneApril 8, 2022April 12, 2022 by ArleneApril 8, 2022April 12, 20220484 The horror is, of course, a terror attack: This one was of particularly serious dimensions (not to imply that there are terror attacks not of...
From Israel: “The Chutzpah and the Stupidity!!”ArleneApril 6, 2022April 6, 2022 by ArleneApril 6, 2022April 6, 20220432 The chutzpah (gall, insolence) belongs to many of the Arabs inside of Israel and beyond. The stupidity can be attributed to those of our purported...