From Israel: “It’s Deplorable!!”ArleneApril 6, 2021April 24, 2021 by ArleneApril 6, 2021April 24, 20210427 There are not a whole lot of people within the Israeli political system that I’m pleased with at the moment – and that is a...
From Israel: “Where Are We???”ArleneSeptember 27, 2019November 27, 2019 by ArleneSeptember 27, 2019November 27, 20190397 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday night received the mandate for forming a new government from President Ruby Rivlin. That the president acted so quickly...
From Israel: “And Off We Go!”ArleneApril 17, 2019May 22, 2019 by ArleneApril 17, 2019May 22, 20190400 This will be my last posting before Pesach begins on Friday night. This year, the Pesach themes of redemption and evil resonate for me with...