From Israel: “Definitely Not a Pretty Picture!!”ArleneFebruary 9, 2021April 24, 2021 by ArleneFebruary 9, 2021April 24, 20210501 But it hardly does justice to the situation to say that what we are facing is not a pretty picture. What I want to touch...
From Israel: “You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide!!“ArleneFebruary 4, 2021April 24, 2021 by ArleneFebruary 4, 2021April 24, 20210497 I am ever mindful of the blessings that are ours, and would never, ever suggest that hope be abandoned. Jews survive on hope, on faith...
From Israel: “Can America Be Saved??!!”ArleneJanuary 10, 2021February 4, 2021 by ArleneJanuary 10, 2021February 4, 20210533 It is no less than a tragedy: We are watching a once great nation unravel. ~~~~~~~~~~ But this unraveling didn’t start last week or...