UncategorizedAugust 15, 2008: Most DisconcertingArleneAugust 14, 2008 by ArleneAugust 14, 20081309 That title might apply to most of what’s happening these days, I realize, but I have one particular situation in mind: On Wednesday, Haaretz revealed
UncategorizedAugust 12, 2008: Remembering Gush KatifArleneAugust 11, 2008 by ArleneAugust 11, 20080298 It is now three years since the expulsion of Jews from the communities of Gush Katif in the southern Gaza Strip and other communities in
UncategorizedAugust 10, 2008: Tisha B’Av ReflectionsArleneAugust 9, 2008 by ArleneAugust 9, 20081307 With full acknowledgement to Rav Ari Kahn, whose Tisha B’Av shiur (lesson) I attended this morning. Sharing the essence of the message… We are taught
UncategorizedAugust 8, 2008: Tisha B’AvArleneAugust 8, 2008 by ArleneAugust 8, 20080279 Immediately upon the close of Shabbat tomorrow night we begin Tisha B’Av (the ninth of the month of Av): a day of Jewish national mourning
UncategorizedAugust 7, 2008: AudacityArleneAugust 7, 2008 by ArleneAugust 7, 20080314 What do you do if you are a lame-duck prime minister with a single digit approval rating and you’ve been negotiating a very problematic deal
UncategorizedAugust 5, 2008: The Good and the BadArleneAugust 5, 2008 by ArleneAugust 5, 20080312 The recent incidents involving Hamas-Fatah violence have had some interesting and positive repercussions internationally. Less and less is the world sympathetic to a people that
UncategorizedAugust 4, 2008 : Update and OnwardArleneAugust 4, 2008 by ArleneAugust 4, 20080315 Well, seems Abbas has been convinced to take the members of Fatah who fled from Gaza, saying that he recognizes their lives would be at
UncategorizedAugust 3, 2008: Where to Start?ArleneAugust 3, 2008 by ArleneAugust 3, 20080297 I confess: I feel so inundated with evidence of official stupidity — including some very dangerous stupidity — on both sides of the Atlantic that
UncategorizedJuly 31, 2008: Just SupposeArleneJuly 31, 2008 by ArleneJuly 31, 20080321 Political predictions are never written in stone, and certainly I make no claims that what I’m about to write here is anything other than a
UncategorizedJuly 30, 2008: How About That!ArleneJuly 30, 2008 by ArleneJuly 30, 20080281 Would have sworn it wouldn’t happen and it has: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has announced that after Kadima elects a new leader in its September