I am referring, of course, to our attack on Hezbollah, in response to the murder of 12 Israeli children.
Prime Minister Netanyahu returned from the US yesterday and promptly met with the Security Cabinet.

That Cabinet has authorized the prime minister and Defense Minister Gallant to jointly make the decision on how to hit Hezbollah and when.
I reported yesterday that Chief of Staff Halevy met with IDF brass yesterday to plan an attack, prior to Netanyahu’s return. We can assume that alternatives have been presented to Netanyahu and Gallant.
Even as I write, I feel it possible that before you see this, my friends, action will have been taken. Or perhaps not.
In any event, I am eager to get this out quickly, and come back to discuss other issues, which must be tabled at the moment, in another posting.
What is being said is that the decision has been made to hit Hezbollah harder than they have been hit by us since October 8, but not so hard as to spark a full war. This is a wait-and-see situation, because how this will be accomplished is not clear. Part of whether or not it sparks a war, it seems to me, depends on Hezbollah’s decision as to how to respond.
According to The Jewish Press, “Israel has at its disposal a wide bank of targets in Lebanon to choose from, including strategic military warehouses where precision missiles are stored, as well as assassinating more senior members of Hezbollah.”
What is clear is that a great many people in this country — many ministers and members of Knesset included – are furious and demanding a very strong response. This includes some outside the coalition, such as Benny Gantz, head of National Unity Party and Avigdor Lieberman, head of Yisrael Beitenu.
The IDF has provided proof-positive that the rocket that killed the children was made in Iran and launched by Hezbollah
An analysis of the shrapnel at the scene of the attack showed the rocket was produced in Iran.

“Only Hezbollah possesses such weapons in this part of the world, the IDF noted.”
Hezbollah in Lebanon is preparing for an attack. According to one Lebanese official, Hezbollah is moving its precision rockets. This is not to protect them, but to place them more advantageously for use. (How this affects our ability to hit these rockets is not clear to me.)
The international community is gearing up, as well, advising nationals to leave Lebanon, limiting flights, etc.
On Sunday, 11 Druze children who had been killed were buried; it was noted at the time that one child was missing. His body was found Sunday evening and identified via DNA; he was buried on Monday (today).
That twelfth child was Gevara Ebraheem, 11.

It pierces the heart.
Many is the time that the US government has made statements about Israel’s right to defend itself – this has been the case in the course of the war with Hamas. Such statements sound supportive until one looks more closely. We can defend ourselves, but do not necessarily have the right to take out those who attack us.
Today there is an article by Gary Willig in Arutz Sheva, which includes the following:
“There is talk in Washington and London of ensuring that Israel is supplied with defensive military equipment such as Iron Dome batteries, but not offensive weaponry to strike back at those who try to murder our children.
“Has all life even tangentially related to Jews become so cheap that this is what passes for morality in the enlightened 21st Century?
“…If the US, the UN, the EU, and the whole world demand that Israel declare that the blood of its children is cheap, then Israel must ignore them. The blood of a child in Majdal Shams is just as red as the blood of a child in New York, in London, in Paris, and everywhere else.
“When it comes to the lives of our children, no one, not the President of the United States, nor the Secretary-General of the United Nations, has the right to tell us that we must stand by and let their blood be shed. Anyone who tries to tell us that can go straight to hell.”
(Emphasis in the original)
Willig is a veteran member of the Arutz Sheva news staff.
And I will add here that there is talk in the US State Department that it might be possible to achieve a “diplomatic solution” involving the “Blue Line” – the border between Israel and Lebanon, that would bring safety to both populations (some agreement as to how far beyond that Blue Line Hezbollah must remain).
Mr. Blinken should know this is a non-starter. First, because whatever he has in mind would be insufficient to provide guarantees to Israelis living in the north. Hezbollah must be behind the Litani.
But then, he should realize that were he, miraculously, to come up tomorrow with some deal with Hezbollah that would push them back some distance past the Blue Line, ostensibly making Israelis safe, it would not fly with us. He would be protecting Hezbollah from Israeli reprisals that our citizens demand.
Think about this. There is no facing down evil, no accountability demanded.
Tomorrow, if nothing further has transpired with regard to Hezbollah, I hope to return to look at the “hostage deal” on the table and its broader implications. And yes, I want to look at Netanyahu’s talk in Congress, which I thought fantastic.
Keep praying to Heaven for Israel. Pray that the tears might be lifted from our hearts.
Pray for the strength and wisdom of our leaders, for the safety of our soldiers, and for the rescue of our hostages.
Pray in a spirit of hope.
©Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by independent journalist Arlene Kushner. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.