Tonight is the first of eight nights of Chanukah. We light the first candle and sing songs of thanksgiving in recognition of the miracles with which the Almighty has blessed us.

In fact, we are forbidden to use the light of the candles for any reason other than to publicize the miracles and wonders, the redemption and the battles with which God blessed our forefathers.
A traditional rendering of the song that refers to this, which is sung or recited as the candles are lit (scroll down for the words in Hebrew and English):
There are, in fact, two miracles, two stories associated with Chanukah.
One, found in the Talmud, has to do with the Maccabees’ recovery of the Second Temple from the Seleucids (Syrian-Greeks), who had been in control of the Holy Land. When they wished to rededicate the Temple, the Jews found there was only enough oil remaining that had not been defiled sufficient for one day. But it burned for eight days. Thus, the miracle and the reason why we light candles for eight days.
There is a second story of the long and difficult war – lasting many years and requiring much hardship – that the Maccabees fought against the repressive Syrians who sought to deny them the right to Jewish observance – who, in fact, attempted to force pagan practices upon them.
In addition to this difficult fight, the Maccabees confronted another problem: many of the Jews were content to accept Hellenization and abandon their Jewish ways. Thus, the battle the Maccabees fought was also a civil war against the Hellenized Jews. This story can be found in the Book of Maccabees 1 and 2. (You can see more here: .)
The battle the Maccabees fought was the first religious war in history – waged to protect religious values, not to secure power, control land, etc.
I would suggest that the true miracle is the victory of the Maccabees. For, had they not won, there would be no Judaism today.
I write all of this now because it speaks so loudly to our situation today and teaches many lessons.
As we light our candles, we can (and should) celebrate not only the miracles and wonders, the redemption and the battles with which God blessed our ancestors. We must express great gratitude for the redemptive battles that Israel is successfully waging now with help from Above. We have seen miracle after miracle. Without these battles fought successfully, Israel – Heaven forbid! – might be no more. That there should be no more Israel is certainly the goal of our Islamist enemies.
Just as the Maccabees had to fight for an extended period of time, so should we understand that it requires perseverance and persistence over time to complete the tasks of vanquishing our enemies. We must not weaken, nor abandon our values.
Lastly, I think there is a message of great import here for those modern Jews who have abandoned their ways and are content to assimilate, absorbing cultural values that are alien to Judaism. We would hope they might consider coming home.
Chanukah is called the Holiday of Light. I wish all who are celebrating a Chanukah Sameach. May that light shine bright on each of us.
This year, the first night of Chanukah overlaps the holiday of Christmas. And so, to my Christian friends who are also celebrating, I extend heartfelt wishes for a bright light of peace to shine on each of you.

I had thought I would include here updates on some of the most critical matters that Israel is now facing. But I have decided to send this as a stand-alone and follow shortly with more information.
Please, pray with a full heart…
[] for the safety of the Jewish People everywhere,
[] for the continued strength and courage of Israel’s leaders as they make the hard decisions,
[] for the safety of our soldiers in battle as they fight a righteous war,
[] and for the rescue of the hostages.
©Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by independent journalist Arlene Kushner. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.