UncategorizedAugust 25, 2008: Words, WordsArleneAugust 25, 2008 by ArleneAugust 25, 20080277 What shall we call it? A lot of hot air? Declarations “signifying nothing”? Barak said that Labor would resign the coalition if the budget were
UncategorizedAugust 24, 2008: Budget MachinationsArleneAugust 24, 2008 by ArleneAugust 24, 20080296 Budget is always connected to politics, but this time around it seems more so than usual — because of the instabilities of our current situation.
UncategorizedAugust 22, 2008: Caught BetweenArleneAugust 22, 2008 by ArleneAugust 22, 20080292 Never mind that Israel isn’t flexing her muscles to the maximum that she might, she is, in no regard a superpower. And when the dynamics
UncategorizedAugust 20, 2008: ScaryArleneAugust 20, 2008 by ArleneAugust 20, 20080312 I cannot think of a better word to describe the current international situation, which seems only to be worsening over time. We’ve got Russia moving
UncategorizedAugust 18, 2008: Those PrisonersArleneAugust 18, 2008 by ArleneAugust 18, 20080322 The list of the 199 prisoners to be released has been finalized and published, and it is likely that they will be released at the
UncategorizedAugust 17, 2008: Bad NewsArleneAugust 16, 2008 by ArleneAugust 16, 20080311 Bad, bad news: According to Maya Bengal in Maariv today, Olmert has submitted a proposal on Jerusalem to Abbas in an effort to reach an
UncategorizedAugust 15, 2008: Most DisconcertingArleneAugust 14, 2008 by ArleneAugust 14, 20081285 That title might apply to most of what’s happening these days, I realize, but I have one particular situation in mind: On Wednesday, Haaretz revealed
UncategorizedAugust 12, 2008: Remembering Gush KatifArleneAugust 11, 2008 by ArleneAugust 11, 20080278 It is now three years since the expulsion of Jews from the communities of Gush Katif in the southern Gaza Strip and other communities in
UncategorizedAugust 10, 2008: Tisha B’Av ReflectionsArleneAugust 9, 2008 by ArleneAugust 9, 20081283 With full acknowledgement to Rav Ari Kahn, whose Tisha B’Av shiur (lesson) I attended this morning. Sharing the essence of the message… We are taught
UncategorizedAugust 8, 2008: Tisha B’AvArleneAugust 8, 2008 by ArleneAugust 8, 20080256 Immediately upon the close of Shabbat tomorrow night we begin Tisha B’Av (the ninth of the month of Av): a day of Jewish national mourning