UncategorizedOctober 22, 2008: Where to Start?ArleneOctober 22, 2008 by ArleneOctober 22, 20080311 Never, in the time I have been doing these postings, have I received such a barrage of messages — the vast majority anguished and supportive
UncategorizedOctober 21, 2008: Chilling ProspectsArleneOctober 21, 2008 by ArleneOctober 21, 20080292 Motzei Chag (After the Holiday) For us here in Israel, the Sukkot-Simchat Torah holiday season has ended; in the Diaspora, it will be another day.
UncategorizedOctober 12, 2008: The Season of Our RejoicingArleneOctober 12, 2008 by ArleneOctober 12, 20080341 Tomorrow night begins the week-long festival of Sukkot, the most joyous of our holidays. The heartache of world events must not rob us of this
UncategorizedOctober 11, 2008: Acre RiotsArleneOctober 11, 2008 by ArleneOctober 11, 20080302 Motzei Shabbat (after Shabbat) Acre, or Akko — an ancient Mediterranean port city in the north of Israel with a mixed Jewish and Arab population
UncategorizedOctober 10, 2008: Where Are We Headed?ArleneOctober 10, 2008 by ArleneOctober 10, 20080319 Yesterday was Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Twenty-six hours in which we are to be, according to the tradition, as angels:
UncategorizedOctober 5, 208: EndlessArleneOctober 5, 2008 by ArleneOctober 5, 20080305 The idiocy of Ehud Olmert. He wishes to transfer to the Russian government rights to the Sergei Compound, which is part of the Russian Compound,
UncategorizedOctober 3, 2008: Sharing My ArticleArleneOctober 3, 2008 by ArleneOctober 3, 20080309 I devote this entire posting to an article of mine that just went up on YNet. This was a cry of the heart. At bottom
UncategorizedOctober 1, 2008: IdiocyArleneOctober 1, 2008 by ArleneOctober 1, 20080305 Motzei Hag (After Rosh Hashana) After two days of Rosh Hashana, with heart-felt prayer and deep contemplation, I have returned to my computer to find
UncategorizedSeptember 28, 2008: Rosh HashanaArleneSeptember 28, 2008 by ArleneSeptember 28, 20080324 Tomorrow night begins the Jewish New Year: Rosh Hashana. It is time of serious contemplation, acknowledgement of our failings, and efforts for improvement — coupled
UncategorizedSeptember 27, 2008: Iran, the UN, and MoreArleneSeptember 26, 2008 by ArleneSeptember 26, 20080307 Motzei Shabbat (After Shabbat) According to a story in The Guardian (UK) late this past week, European sources who claimed to have been in touch