Because it is so important, so relevant to all that is going on now, I return to the issue of Biden’s behavior – supporting both sides in our war with Hamas.
Yes, and yes again. We are grateful for what he has done for us. That said, it is exceedingly important for anyone who believes we should feel a sense of gratitude towards Biden to understand unequivocally that strings are attached and that support also flows to our enemy at his direction.
The first demand on Israel was with regard to immediately permitting 20 truckloads of humanitarian goods to move from Egypt into southern Gaza. This happened yesterday (Saturday).

It broke the siege on Gaza, which was perfectly legal according to the Laws of War. And now there are calls for additional supplies to be brought in. Biden wants a steady flow of such “relief.” I have just learned that today 17 additional trucks have come into Gaza.
Allegedly the trucks carried medical supplies, although some sources said they also had food. The New York Times said the trucks were not searched. Analyst Dr. Jacques Neriah speaking today on a JCPA webinar said that Egypt did the security check.
But the bottom line: we don’t really know what was in those trucks. They carried sealed packages. Are we to believe that every single package was opened?

Nor is there any way to control who gets these supplies:
“When questioned by CNN, Biden’s Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer couldn’t explain how the United States can prevent Hamas from taking control of the goods entering Gaza.”
And please note this:
“As the trucks went through, an Israeli security official told reporters on Saturday: ‘As of now, I can tell you that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. There are hardships in moving people within days to the south of the Gaza Strip, but the population is getting along.
“’There is no shortage of water in Gaza, there is enough food for the coming weeks, this is in addition to the supply of medicines which, as far as we know, there is no shortage in the hospitals.’”
What we saw in addition to this was Biden’s announcement of $100 million in aid to be sent by the US for humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank….”This money will support more than 1 million displaced…”
What money for one million displaced Palestinian Arabs (who moved south in Gaza to get out of the way of Israel’s coming attack on Hamas in the north) has to do with “the West Bank” is not clear at all. The president is taking advantage of the situation to shore up the Palestinian Authority.
Biden declared: “If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people, and it will end as a practical matter.”
But just how naïve does he think we are? Of course Hamas will divert funds. They always do.
Blinken, meanwhile, is calling for Israel to open more water pipes into Gaza.
In addition to providing material aid to Hamas, Biden has shifted public attention to the “suffering” of civilians in Gaza and away from the horrors suffered by innocent Israelis.
This is precisely what I have warned about and will continue to warn about. The Palestinian Arabs must not be seen as the victims, when they are the perpetrators of the most horrendous attacks on innocent Israelis.
Zaka, the incredible organization that is working unendingly to identify and properly bury the bodies of Israelis who were caught in the Hamas massacre, has now announced that mass graves may be required because it is impossible to identify all severed body parts.
And see this important video:
Nor has Biden focused on the severe humanitarian plight of the hostages taken by Hamas. As of now, it is believed that 250 people are being held (most by Hamas, some possibly by Islamic Jihad and related jihadi groups). Among the hostages are 40 children and babies. There are 212 Israeli families that have been notified.
See this video:
Judith Raanan and her daughter Natalie, 18, two hostages with dual Israeli-US citizenship were released by Hamas into the hands of the Red Cross. They live near Chicago but had come to Israel to visit relatives in Nahal Oz, a kibbutz in Israel about a mile from the Gaza border, when they were abducted.

Their release was achieved via negotiations between the US and Qatar, which has Hamas ties; Israel was not involved. I have not seen any statement by Biden calling for delaying the humanitarian aid he is so eager to dispense until all of the hostages are released.
Hamas released these two for PR purposes, to show, they said, that they are not the monsters they are said to be and are capable of humanitarian acts. (Yes: that is what they said.)
The battle by air with Hamas is continuing at a furious pace. Hamas continues to launch rockets into central and southern Israel and Israel is stepping up the bombing of Hamas, killing Hamas leaders and destroying infrastructure. The goal is to soften the way for our troops when they enter.
There are some expressing unease about whether in the end we will go into Gaza with our ground troops, but I feel a certainty about this action. We must take out the monsters who have behaved with such murderous obscenity. The people of Israel see this as a necessity and every leader, whether political or military, says we will go in.
“We will go in at our pace,” our leaders tell us.
IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari expressed it this way:
“We have to enter the next phase of the war in the best conditions, not according to what anyone tells us. From today, we are increasing the strikes and minimizing the danger.” (Emphasis added)

And Defense Minister Gallant (center below) said this today at the Israeli Air Force command center (emphasis added):
“This needs to be the last [ground] maneuver in Gaza, for the simple reason that after it there will be no Hamas. It will take a month, two months, three, but in the end, there will be no Hamas.
“Before the enemy meets the armored and infantry forces, it will meet the bombs of the Air Force.”

There have been reports, fully believable, that Biden is attempting to slow down Israel’s military action.
His statement on the issue included this (emphasis added):
“Prime Minister Netanyahu and I have discussed how Israel must operate by the laws of war. That means protecting civilians in combat as best as they can.
“We can’t ignore the humanity of innocent Palestinians who only want to live in peace.”
How DARE he say this in the face of what has been done to us??
Which innocent Palestinian Arabs is he speaking of? The ones who voted for Hamas? The ones who celebrate with candies when a terror attack kills innocent Israelis?
One of the motivations for providing assistance to Israel is that it gives Biden leverage. There are various thoughts on how he intends to utilize that leverage. Some expect him to pressure Israel to stop its action before Hamas is taken out, others (and I am among them) expect pressure on Israel to turn Gaza over to the PA – something that must not happen.
Our fighting forces are magnificent. They understand fully why they must fight and are at their best. Their morale is high.
The people of Israel are strong and determined and united. Everyone rushes to help.
We are traumatized – each and every one of us. We are living in the midst of a trauma that has yet to be resolved. But it will be resolved, and we will be able to breathe deeply again.
The picture below was drawn by Mark Podwal some years ago and was published in Eli Wiesel’s book, “A Beggar in Jerusalem.”
This mighty hand, my friends, wears the bound straps of tfillin. It tells us a great deal about why we will win.
I wrote above about Zaka and the painful, incredible work they are doing. They require additional supplies. If you have not yet donated to them, please consider doing so now.
© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by independent journalist Arlene Kushner. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.