Israel has amazing geographical diversity and historical connections.
In Israel’s north there is Har (Mt.) Hermon, where there is skiing in the winter. It rises to 9,232 feet (2,814 meters) and is the highest point on the east coast of the Mediterranean.
The lowest point on earth is the Dead Sea, which is 1377 feet (420 meters) below sea level. In comparison, the lowest point in North America is Death Valley which is 282 feet below sea level. The Dead Sea is known for its salt deposits, which are used in creams and lotions.
At the southern tip of Israel is the Gulf of Eilat, the northern tip of the Red Sea, which is extremely warm and home to coral reserves.
All of this is a country smaller than New Jersey.
The oldest active port in the world is Jaffa which is adjacent to Tel Aviv. Jaffa is over 4000 years old. The world’s oldest continuously inhabited settlement in all human history is the city of Jericho.
Israel leads all other nations in careful water utilization:
Israel is also a world leader in desalination, and is a pioneer in developing effective techniques such as reverse osmosis. Some 3 million cubic meters of potable water is produced daily, with water drawn from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, at Eilat.Israel Desalination Enterprises (IDE) Technology has built three desalination plants along Israel’s coast in Sorek, Ashkelon and Hadera.
Today, about 60 percent of Israel’s domestic water demand is met through desalination.
“Good Deeds Day” – which takes place each March – was first started in Israel in 2007.
It was Israeli businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison who came up with the idea.
She said: “I believe that if people will think good, speak good and do good, the circles of goodness will grow in the world.”
Each year many thousands of Israelis participate in doing good deeds for others – school children, students, soldiers, business employees.
The Arison Group, a global business and philanthropic group, operates to realize the vision of “Doing Good.” It seeks to broadcast the message “we are all connected, we are one.”
In recent years, “Good Deeds Day” has gone global, with over 100 countries participating.
Israeli cows produce more milk than any other cows in the world.
They produce 10% more milk than American cows, and 50% more than German cows. Not only is more milk produced per cow, it is of higher quality.
This is because of breeding that has been going on since the 1930s, and because Israeli cows are treated better. They are provided with good conditions and monitored carefully – via cutting edge technology — for their health and general condition. Israeli cows are happy, placid cows. Only Holsteins are used.
The cows are something of a tourist attraction, and dairy farmers from around the world come to learn Israeli techniques.
The Israeli Druze community is the only non-Jewish group in the State whose sons are drafted into the IDF.
The Druze are a unique ethnic and religious group found in in a number of the countries that had been part of the Ottoman Empire. In Israel they live in tight-knit, peaceful communities in the north: in the Golan, the Galilee and the Carmel (Haifa) region. Their tradition, which dates back to the 11th century, incorporates elements of Islam, Hinduism and classical Greek philosophy, and rejects ritual.

Israeli citizens, often identifying as proudly Zionist, they are active in political life in Israel. Perhaps best known is MK Ayub Kara, who has been heard to declare, “I am more Zionist than the Jews.” They comprise not quite 2% of the population of Israel.
During the War of Independence in 1948, Druze fought to protect their villages in the north of Israel. Subsequently, in 1956, elders from the community arranged with government officials for men of the Druze community to be drafted into the IDF. This agreement became known as the “Covenant of Blood” (“brit damim”), so called because Druze soldiers, proud to serve in combat units, gave their lives for the nation. More than 80% of Druze young men serve. In 1974, an all-Druze battalion known as Herev (sword) was established.
See them here:
In 2015, this battalion was disbanded in favor of integrating the Druze throughout the IDF. This was done because of “the growing desire of a decisive majority of the community” to serve in all units and service branches, including elite forces and top technology posts. The integration also aimed at facilitating those who aspire to the high echelons of IDF command.
Israel has the world’s highest percentage of teenage EMTs (emergency medical technicians).
More than 60% of the volunteers with Israeli emergency response service Magan David Adam are teenagers. By percentage, this is a far bigger youth corps for emergency services than is found anywhere else in the world.
The Education Ministry requires 60 hours of volunteer service for graduation. Since 1993, MDA has been offering a 60-hour course for 15-18 year olds, which fulfills this requirement. It is not mandatory to serve on ambulances after training, but many young people opt to do so. Working under the supervision of a senior MTA, they are permitted to perform emergency services. Both Jews and Arabs volunteer.
Training for mass-casualty incidents:
Tel Aviv is the most dog friendly city in the world,
with a variety of services available for the pooches…
Boasting the highest rate of pet dogs per capita in the world (one dog per 17 residents), the city offers 70 off-leash dog parks, as well as designated beaches where they can roam freely. Nearly every restaurant has a water bowl outside for thirsty pets to refresh.
The municipality has a no-kill shelter, a 24/7 vet service for homeless animals, and a city animal patrol that checks complaints regarding animal abuse. It has also developed an app called Digi-Dog, which offers resources and discounts to make dog owners lives easier.
People from over 70 countries have made Israel
their home since 1948…
The majority of Israeli Jews are descendants of immigrants from Arab countries.
In recent years, groups of people who have ancient connections with the Jewish people are also coming home. Notable among them are the Bnei Menashe of the Manipur region of India, who have held on to traditions for 2,700 years. With the help of the Shavei Israel organization, they are becoming fully integrated back into the Jewish people, and brought to Israel.
See the video:
On May 24-25, 1991, Israel executed “Operation Solomon,” which brought out 14,500 Ethiopian Jews…
from Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, in some 36 hours. Said Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Avihu Ben-Nun, “It was a great operation on a global scale: never before, did so few pilots transport such a great number of people in such a short time“.
It was a highly complex and top-secret military operation, with 34 unmarked planes flying 41 sorties. The Ethiopian government of Mengistu was about to collapse; rebels outside the city stood down for two days to allow this operation to proceed.
See a video of the airlift:
Tel Aviv, known as the White City, was named by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site because it is home to more Bauhaus…
or International Style architecture than any other city in the world. Almost all other World Heritage sites are either natural phenomena or very old. Tel Aviv is one of very few sites that is a twentieth century phenomenon.
See video:
Israel moves from mourning to
celebration with the sound of a siren…
Video on Yom Haatzmaut celebrations
The IDF inducts young people with autism…
to do high level work in Intelligence Unit 9900, which maps and analyzes visual data. Soldiers with autism can excel at this work because they are often adept at detecting patterns and maintaining focus for long periods of time.