As these are serious times , action in the US is called for. And so I ask each of you who is a US citizen to help.
Below you will find a short list of the aides to key influential members of Congress with contact information. It is always most productive to contact the aides; a fax or phone call is most effective; e-mail if that is what is possible for you.
The message is simple:
“Mahmoud Abbas is not a partner for peace ; he has terrorist associations. Pushing negotiations is counterproductive to US interests and goals.
“Please, work to stop all pressure on Israel to negotiate and make concessions; the US needs a strong Israel in the Middle East.
“Please also work to block further appropriations to the PA, as some of this money will inevitably fund terrorism, which is what the US is supposed to be fighting.”
Change the wording a bit to personalize the message. In each instance ask that the message be conveyed to the appropriate Congressperson (or Congresspersons).
Please! Try to do several of these names, and if possible all of them. They all need to hear from us. This is democracy in action and the power is in your hands.
Also, please distribute this information as widely as you can — on your lists, to family and friends. Numbers count and we need large numbers now.
Alan is the senior professional Majority staff member for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs . He doesn’t work with one Congressperson, but rather with the committee. Ask that he convey your message to all Democrats on the Committee.
phone 202-225-6735 fax 202-226-3581 [email protected]
Deputy Chief of Staff for CONGRESSMAN GARY ACKERMAN , Chair of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and Asia, of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
phone 202-225-2601 fax 202-225-1589 [email protected]
Professional Staff Member, Minority Staff, for House Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Works with CONGRESSWOMAN ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN , ranking member of the committee (was chair before the elections) and a good friend to Israel. Ask that he convey the message to all Republican members of the Committee and especially to Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen.
phone 202-226-8467 fax 202-226-7269 [email protected]
Chief of Staff for CONGRESSMAN JIM SAXTON , who has opposed Oslo on Capitol Hill and been a staunch friend.
phone 202-225-4765 fax (202) 225-0778 [email protected]
Chief of Staff for CONGRESSMAN ELIOT ENGEL , who is on the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and Asia and a good friend to Israel.
phone 202-225-2464 fax (202) 225-5513 [email protected]
Chief of Staff to CONGRESSMAN TRENT FRANKS , a Congressman with growing influence, who is a solid friend and has taken on the issue of the inciteful PA school books.
phone 202-225-4567 fax 202-225-6328 [email protected]
Legislative Assistant to CONGRESSMAN HENRY WAXMAN , who has powerful influence on matters of foreign policy and speaks out for integrity in government.
phone 202-225-3976 fax 202-225-4099 [email protected]
Chief of Staff for CONGRESSMAN MARK KIRK , who is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, which has considerable power, and co-chairs a Republican caucus group, thus having contact with others.
phone 202-225-4835 fax 202-225-0837 [email protected]
Staff director for CONGRESSMAN BRAD SHERMAN , Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade.
phone 202-225-5911 fax 202-225-5879 [email protected]
If you want to check for your own Congressperson, see: