
“Eyes Toward Heaven!!”

Friday night, we begin the observance of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar – the Shabbat of Shabbatot.


I save extensive writing until after Yom Kippur and share just a quick overview of our situation below.

But first, I want to make two requests of my readers:

[] Not infrequently I ask that you share what I have written, and I will continue to do so.  But now I ask that you also encourage friends and family to register, so that they receive my material directly on an ongoing basis.

To register, they can contact me at arlene@arlenefromisrael.info

It is important that I expand my readership during this horrific time.  The lies and the misunderstandings proliferate, and it is imperative that solid, accurate, and accessible information be provided on a broad scale.

[] In an entire year I have not requested of you, my friends, that you consider a donation to my work.  That is because I have been eager to encourage donations focused on urgent needs here in Israel connected to the war. 

I continue to encourage generous giving to a number of very worthwhile and important Israeli causes (and I think I need to start writing about them again).  But now I ask that you also consider a donation to my work, in addition to what you may give elsewhere.  There are multiple expenses associated with my work.

I express heartfelt thanks.


On Yom Kippur we say g’mar hatima tova: may you be sealed in the Book of Life for a good year.

For each of you, and all of Am Yisrael I say g’mar hatima tova

Israeli missions

May we see victory against our enemies and may peace reign in our hearts and in our lives.


We are going through a very difficult time – but “difficult” does not mean losing. Not at all.

We have been deluged by a substantial barrage of rockets, and have suffered some loses:


And at the same time, we are contending with a number of vicious terror attacks:



With this all, however, we continue to make fantastic military gains in Gaza and in Lebanon.  Yaakov Lappin tells us (emphasis added):

Recent events have shaken assumptions by Israel’s enemies regarding the strength of the Jewish state and Israeli society, according to former Israeli National Security Adviser Meir Ben Shabbat.

“Reflecting on the past year and particularly recent weeks, Ben Shabbat, currently head of the Misgav Institute for National Security, highlighted to JNS on Wednesday how Israel’s resilience and daring, sustained military operations have disrupted core beliefs of Hezbollah and its sponsors in Iran regarding Israel’s ability to endure extended warfare.”


Israel Hayom

Cautions Ben Shabbat: a long fight remains ahead, with Israel now determined to fundamentally change the regional security reality, and not make do with victory pictures.


At long last. Thank Heaven!

The military gains we are achieving are not without cost, however. Almost daily there is news of additional soldiers lost and each announcement pierces the heart.  They fight with vigor and a strong sense of purpose.


Our nation is still in the dark with regard to how and when our military will retaliate for Iran’s launching of ballistic missiles at us before Rosh Hashana.  “Reports” and speculations appear constantly in the media.  Will it be a hit on Iran’s nuclear site, or on its oil fields or refinement plants. Or will it be an attack on the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guard?

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was scheduled to go to the US and confer with US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin with regard to our plans for Iran, but Netanyahu insisted that this be delayed.  What apparently motivated Netanyahu was a concern that Gallant might be influenced by the Americans or share more about our intentions than he should.  The US has been miffed because we have not routinely provided them with information about major actions we were about to take. Why? Because the Americans have on occasion leaked information.



One report indicated that Netanyahu didn’t want Gallant to go to the US until he spoke with Biden (the two had not spoken in several weeks). 

But as of last night, the two spoke for some 50 minutes.


There is no information as to what was discussed, nor should there be. Nor do I see indication of a trip by Gallant to the US at this point.  The Security Cabinet is scheduled to meet tonight to discuss the attack. 

I will close with this comment made by Gallant last week:

The Iranian attack was aggressive but inaccurate. In contrast, our attack will be deadly, pinpoint accurate, and most importantly, surprising – they will not know what happened or how it happened. They will just see the results.”

X @nexta


He is referring, of course, to our brilliant, unsurpassed intelligence agencies, which make “creative” attacks possible.


I always call for prayer at the end of my posting, and this is especially pertinent as we in the time of the High Holidays. 

Express great gratitude to the Almighty for his protection and what we are able to achieve.

Then, please, pray with a full heart for the continued strength and courage of Israel’s leaders as they make the hard decisions, and for the safety and effectiveness of our soldiers in battle as they fight a righteous war.


©Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by independent journalist Arlene Kushner. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.

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