My thoughts at the closure of Rosh Hashana…
We, Am Yisrael, are an extraordinary people: we have emerged from blessings and from miracles and from opportunities that might have been lost but were not.
Our beginning was with Avraham. The Almighty sent him to a new land and blessed him.
“…go to the land I will show you“…and then, “to your seed I will give this land.” (Genesis)
Avraham longed for a child with his wife Sarah, for without this, what is a promise of land given to his seed? He waited past the time when it was thought possible, before his son, Yitzhak, was born to him.
From Yitzhak came Yaakov, and Yaakov’s 12 sons, and from them a people. This people, our people, was sent to the land, promised by the Almighty as an inheritance.
We were driven from the land, more than once. The final exile lasted for 2,000 years. No other people, anywhere, has returned to land from which they had been banished after such a length of time — returned with language and faith and heritage intact.
No other people is as tied to its land, as the Jews are tied to Israel. The land flourishes in Jewish hands.

Isaiah prophesied: “I will make you a light to the nations, proclaims the Lord.”
We brought ethical monotheism to the world and taught the value of every life. Since the founding of modern Israel, we have shared technology and medical advances with the nations.
As we begin a new year, I ask: How many of us reflect upon this extraordinary heritage? How many understand that this gift must be treasured and transmitted to the next generation and the next?
It is a sacred obligation to remember, for our peoplehood can never be taken for granted.
Too many today turn their backs and forget how to be proud.
Within this broad theme, I want to look at several current issues. They are exceedingly important issues and I urge you to read to the end and share.
Sunday night, Prime Minister Netanyahu took off for a trip to the US.

He went first to California, where he met Elon Musk and discussed investments in Israeli companies, AI, and anti-Semitism (with mixed results).
Now he moves on to the UN in New York. The highlight of his stay there will be his address at the UN General Assembly on Friday, where he will focus on Iran. Netanyahu has been warning the world for many years now about the serious dangers of the Iranian regime. While the world often goes its own way, oblivious to the warnings, he must be applauded for his clear vision on this issue and his persistence in carrying a critical message. This action, too, can be counted as bringing a light unto the nations.
On the sidelines, he is expected to meet with several officials, including President Biden on Wednesday. No friend to Israel, the president has treated Netanyahu with horrendous disrespect, refusing to invite him to the White House.
And what do we find in the midst of this? Israelis who are seeking to embarrass the prime minister. They demonstrated at the airport before Netanyahu’s flight took off (pictured) and are now preparing to demonstrate against him in New York.

Last week demonstrators projected an anti-Netanyahu sign onto the side of the UN headquarters and are threatening to do the same, and much more, this week.
If you still think this is about judicial reform, you really haven’t been paying attention.
These demonstrators are obsessed only with bringing Bibi down. They are prepared to sully Israel’s image at a very difficult moment. Their behavior is vile and shameful.
They have lost their way.
What we should all note as well is that the so-called leaders of the opposition are silent. They have not called for a stop to this insanity.
What the demonstrators are doing is blatantly destructive to Israel.
In a more subtle, more complex manner, we also see a loss of pride in our people when our leaders hesitate to act strongly on our own behalf. This phenomenon is not uncommon, and it is worrisome.
It happens because of pressure from world powers, because of unease about criticism that will ensue from the world, or because, in the eyes of the world, it won’t “look nice.” They have not absorbed the lesson that the world is not going to smile upon us no matter what we do.
Many attribute this cautious behavior to “galut mentality: a carryover from the time when we were in galut (diaspora) and beholden to the powers that be.
Most of the time, the core issue is how we deal with the Palestinian Arabs, the PLO and the notion of a Palestinian state/a “two-state solution.”
[] Last week, a report surfaced that the US had transferred to the Palestinian Authority, via US army bases in Jordan, armored personnel carriers (APCs) and weapons – with the permission of Israel.
According to Army Radio, citing Palestinian security officials, the transfer had included 1,500 rifles, including M-16 rifles and Kalashnikovs, as well as 10 armored vehicles.

Tweeted Defense Minister Gallant:
“Contrary to the misrepresentation emerging from the various reports, since I assumed the position of minister of defense, I have neither approved nor has there been a transfer of weapons or deadly military equipment to the Palestinian Authority. Any attempt to present things in a different way is a blatant lie.”
Prime Minister Netanyahu called the report “fake news.” Since his government took over, he said, “it has not transferred a single weapon to the Palestinian Authority.” The fact that our government has not transferred weapons, however, does not necessarily mean that the US did not.
Netanyahu explained that armored vehicles – and only armored vehicles – were transferred by Israel in line with a decision that was made by the previous Bennett-Lapid government, when Benny Gantz was defense minister.
The motivation for this reported transfer of vehicles/weaponry is the strengthening of the PA against terror forces such as Hamas, PIJ and smaller offshoots that are gaining the upper hand in Judea & Samaria. The PA is definitely at risk from these groups and is eager to weaken them. From the perspective of the US, strengthening the PA is an essential part of planning for a Palestinian state.
PA action against terror groups might be presumed to serve Israel’s interests at the same time. The IDF operates regularly against these groups and welcomes PA action against them.
Sounds good, except for the fact there are some very major reservations with regard to this thinking: One is that planning for a Palestinian state is not in Israel’s interests.
Then there is the fact that the PA is itself a terror entity – inciting, supporting terrorists who kill Jews, etc. From time-to-time, in response to various situations, Abbas declares the cancellation of security cooperation with Israel.
The PA cannot be relied upon to work in a manner that serves Israeli security interests. The possibility exists that the PA might openly turn against Israeli security forces.
There is considerable precedent for PA security personnel acting with other terrorists.
In March of this year, “’President Abbas instructed the security services to confront the occupation forces and settlers,’ Azzam al-Ahmad, a member of the executive leadership of the Fatah party and the Palestine Liberation Organization told the Palestinian Satellite Channel. ‘We stress the importance of the national resistance,’ he added.
“’If they enter our lands, don’t hesitate to confront them,’ al-Ahmad said, apparently referring to Abbas’s instructions regarding Area A of the West Bank.”
Al-Ahmad noted in particular to Nablus (Shechem), where the IDF has operated against terror groups. According to Abbas’s instructions, the PA forces would act against the IDF.
Stephen Flatow has just written a piece regarding the failure to hold Arafat’s feet to the fire 25 years ago. It is exceedingly relevant today:
“Twenty-five years too late, former U.S. Mideast envoy Dennis Ross has admitted that he and other Clinton administration officials were wrong to refrain from confronting Yasir Arafat’s refusal to fight terrorists.
“Speaking as part of a Washington Institute for Near East Policy webinar on ‘Oslo at 30,’ Ross said that when Palestinian Arab terrorism continued following the signing of the Oslo agreement, ‘our response should not have been just rhetorical, we should have said to Arafat, “if we don’t see you acting, we’re going to stop the process—you have to demonstrate to us that you will fight terror, you have to stop treating security arrests like it’s a revolving door.”’
“But U.S. officials never said anything like that to Arafat. When he let terrorists roam free, when he gave ‘Jihad’ speeches—they never issued more than brief, gentle rhetorical reprimands. The U.S. kept sending Arafat $500 million every year. He never suffered any consequences for his behavior—so he never had any incentive to stop it.”
AND NOW? What has changed? The US is strengthening the PA while it continues to support terrorists.
“The Palestinian Authority has just doubled the terror ‘salary’ it pays every month to Khalil Jabarin, the murderer of [American-Israeli] father of four Ari Fuld…”

“Since the attack, Jabarin’s family has received a monthly stipend as part of the P.A.’s practice of rewarding those who kill and wound Israelis. The amount will increase the longer Jabarin remains in jail, Ramallah confirmed in 2018.
“’Yesterday, the Palestinian Authority doubled the monthly salary it pays the terrorist murderer of Ari Fuld, [of blessed memory], from $522 to $1,044,’ Israeli attorney Maurice Hirsch announced on Monday, noting that the P.A. has already paid Jabarin $25,726.”
[] Then there is the possibility of normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the next step in expanding the Abraham Accords. There have been multiple reports that a deal is close.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, aka MBS, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia (pictured below), has done a great deal to modernize his country, and so it is said that such a deal is now a real possibility. As Saudi Arabia is by far the largest and most powerful of the Gulf states, there is major significance to this possible turn of events.

The Biden administration is extremely eager for this to take place and has been pushing it. With the US headed towards elections, this deal would give Biden a diplomatic achievement of major proportions: Trump started the Abraham Accords but look at the advancement I negotiated.
From the get-go I have had ambivalence about this possible deal. We already have substantial under-the-table cooperation with the Saudis, and we might be best served by retaining this status quo for now and building the relationship slowly and thoughtfully. (Biden is in a rush. Not good.)
That Bin Salman is turning his country into a more modern state does not mean he is an enlightened Western leader. I believe he remains a vicious despot who has adopted a veneer of moderation.

He knows that there is great American eagerness for this deal and has put forth numerous conditions.
My concern here is with regard to demands he has reportedly made of Israel. There were reports, for example, of his insistence that he have a role to play in controlling the Wakf on the Temple Mount. Moti Kedar, a Middle East analyst and a Lt. Col. (res.) in the IDF Intelligence Corps, has advised solidly against this, as it would weaken Israel’s position:
Various statements came from Secretary of State Blinken over the last several weeks regarding Saudi demands for Israeli concessions to the PA. These, more than anything, rang bells.
First: “It’s…clear from what we hear from the Saudis that if this process is to move forward, the Palestinian piece is going to be very important.”
And then, just five days ago: “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was interviewed by the Pod Save the World podcast Wednesday, saying that normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia must necessarily include a peace deal with the Palestinians and the establishment of a Palestinian state.”
Following this, just yesterday, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud met with representatives of the EU, Egypt, and Jordan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. He then said, “The two-state solution must return to the forefront.”
There were reports that the Saudis had frozen normalization negotiations. They wanted to know what steps Israel is prepared to take for the PA.
Israeli and US official, however, rejected these reports and said talks were on-going.
My concern is that we may be seeing a pincer maneuver. The Saudis are talking about a Palestinian state and the need for Israel to act on this. They know that Bibi is not happy with Biden’s snub and may be hoping he will thus be forthcoming with regard to concessions.
Tomorrow when Bibi meets with Biden, the president may say, Look, you don’t have to act on a Palestinian state; I know you can’t do that. But let’s talk about what gestures you can make. We cannot let this opportunity be lost. Maybe conceding part of Area C to the PA or promising not to demolish their illegal houses.
Let us hope Foreign Minister Elie Cohen was speaking for the government when he recently told the Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt that:
“Israel will not submit to external dictates on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
And let us pray that our prime minister faces Biden with great strength – a strength that is founded upon pride in who we are.
© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by independent journalist Arlene Kushner. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.